
Response Protocol

Follow the instructions to determine what to do when faced with a distressed or disruptive student.

Is the student a danger to self, or others, or does the student need immediate assistance for any reason?

  • Yes

The student’s conduct is clearly and imminently reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening and is suggestive of harm to self or others in the community.

-----> Call 911 or Campus Police (949) 824-5223

After speaking with police report the concern to Campus Consultation Team by contacting the Assistant Vice Chancellor. 
(949) 824-4642


  • I'm Not Sure

The student shows signs of distress, but I am not sure how serious it is. My interaction has left me feeling uneasy and/or concerned about the student.

-----> During business hours:

Call the Counseling Center for consultation.
(949) 824-6457

----->After Hours & Holidays:

Call the Counseling Center and select the after hours service option to be connected to a live mental health specialist.
(949) 824-6457


  • No

I am not concerned for the student’s immediate safety, but he/she is having signicant academic and/or personal issues and could use some support or additional resources.

----->Refer student to an appropriate campus resource. See Campus Resources (below) for options. 

For a complete list click here.

AVC Wellness, Health & Counseling Services 949-824-4642

Campus Assault Resources & Education (C.A.R.E.) 949-824-7273

Office of Campus Social Work 949-824-1418

Counseling Center 949-824-6457

Dean of Students 949-824-5590

Office of Ombudsman 949-824-7256

LGBT Resource Center 949-824-3277

International Center 949-824-7249

Student Health Center 949-824-5301 

UCI Police Department 949-824-5223 